Monday, April 12, 2010

Time for Action

The services yesterday were fantastic and it was evident that the Holy Spirit was doing a great work in the hearts of our people.  The altars were filled and people were getting things right with God.  It is always interesting to see the ways that God speaks during times like this.  My day is full today.  That is not a bad thing,  Part of it is filled with playing golf with the other preachers who are in for our meeting, but the full day required an early start.  I have found that just having a gym membership doesn't help me get in shape.  Knowing where the treadmill is won't help me be ready for that 5k this Saturday.  I tweaked my back a little bit last week, so I hadn't run since last Tuesday, so if I was going to do this 5k I had to get to the gym this morning.  Choices and decisions require that we take action, make sacrifices, endure pain to see them carried out. 
Yesterday, we heard some great preaching.  Our hearts were stirred and decisions were made, but they mean very little until action steps are taken.  A.W. Tozer said, "To expose our hearts to truth and consistently refuse or neglect to obey the impulses it arouses is to stymie the motions of life within us and, if persisted in, to grieve the Holy Spirit into silence."  I don't want the Holy Spirit to be silent in my life.  I want to hear His voice clearly and obey immediately.  So today, I will do what God led me to do yesterday.  I hope that you feel the same way. 

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