Saturday, April 3, 2010

Partly Sunny With a Chance of a Resurrection

So here is an example of why I named my blog, Crossing Honey Creek.  On my way into town to work out this morning, this was the scene.  The picture doesn't quite do it justice since you can't see the steam rising off the lake back in the background, but the wonders of God's creation are certainly on display.  It made me wonder what the weather was like on the Saturday before the resurrection.  I know, strange thought, but bear with me for a moment.  In the still morning moments of beautiful days like this, I take comfort in seeing evidence of God's power and His love.  I can be dealing with devastating loss, secret pain, hidden fears, or quiet desperation, but somehow knowing that God is evident in the world all around me gives me the confidence that He cares and has the power to do something about my situation.  I have to look a little harder on dreary days, but His creative genius can be seen in the power of a storm as well.  So I wonder what it was like on that Saturday morning, when the disciples were struggling to deal with their loss, fighting their fears, and questioning everything that they had come to believe over the last three years.  Could they see the handiwork of the Creator and take comfort that these events had not caught Him by surprise?  Did they hear the birds singing and realize that with God all things are possible and that hope had not died with their beloved Master?  Or did they hear the thunder crashing and see the lightning flash across the sky and realize that the power of God was not diminished and that He might not be finished working on their behalf.  Whatever the weather, it was a dreary day in the hearts of Jesus' followers.  I wonder what I would have done to deal with my sorrow.  I think I would have wandered down to the Sea of Galilee for a little visual reminder of the God that I love and serve. 

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