Saturday, April 17, 2010

Running the Race

For some reason Hebrews 12:1 is on my heart today. Paul spoke about "the race of life" on several occasions.  There are so  many aspects of our journey with Christ that resemble a race and this morning, as I prepare to run my first 5k, some of these things come to my mind.  First, he talks about the witnesses.  Chelsea and I are running this race hundreds of miles from home, so there won't be anyone that we know here to watch us cross the finish line.  But there will be a significant crowd.  Most of those who are watching don't have a clue how many hours and miles of preparation have gone into running the race.  All they can see is the end result.  They see the joy of crossing the finish line and the finishing time on the clock.  The race really isn't about them, but Paul says that they are important.  Whether it is the responsibility that comes with a legacy that has been passed down, or the motivation that comes to someday run the course themselves, the race that we run has significance to those who are watching us.  Our testimony is important so we need to run well.
Paul also encourages us to lay aside every weight.  I won't be carrying my computer along on the race so that I can update my blog at every mile marker. "I am passing the 1 mile mark and my lungs feel like I have enhailed a jet engine exhaust...."  "I'm passing the 2 mile mark and rigor mortis is beginning to set in...."  Etc., Etc., Etc..  I will carry very little with me as I run.  Even my clothes are light weight and designed to not hinder me.  Many things that we cling to in our lives are not sinful per se, but they just weigh us down and hinder us from running effectively.  We have to lay those things aside.
Paul also mentioned the sins that can cause us to stumble.  Sin in our life grieves and quenches the Holy Spirit, robbing us of our source of strength and power.  We have to take the time to examine our hearts and lives and allow God to purge us of those things that keep us from winning the race.
Finally, Paul says that we have to "run with patience the race that is set before us."  I spoke with Jason Dantic about running 5k's this past Wednesday night.  I was talking about my expectations and the competition in my age group, etc., etc.  Jason's advice to me was, "Don't worry about that.  Run your own race."  Don't let expectations and the performance of other runners influence your pace.  Jason talked about counting your steps and listening to your body, etc. etc. I respect his advice because he has run 8 5k's and I haven't run any yet.  The course is set before us.  We don't choose it, God does.  We must run the race with all that we have but we must run wisely so that we can cross the finish line.  In life, the finish line isn't very far off.  It is time for us to lean in to the tape, to give it all that we have and finish well.  The One who will judge the race and reward the winners is looking on.  On your mark! Get set! Go!

1 comment:

  1. Marty, Good Stuff!! Thank You for your writings! They encourge me to keep on keeping on...
