Saturday, April 17, 2010

35:41 and No Trips To The ER

WooHoo!  We made it!  The altitude was a factor.  My lungs were burning, but I finished the course, I kept the faith!

Neither Chelsea nor I were prepared for the cold.  It was 41 with a 25 mph wind at the start, but we settled into the pace pretty early.  Despite all of her poor mouthing how she was so out of shape and everything, she left me in the dust before we had gone half a mile.  By the halfway point, though I was only a few hundred yards behind her.  When I came within sight of the finish line, I was surprised to see that the clock was still under 35 minutes.  My goal had been to run it under 40 minutes, so I turned on the jets and powered across the finish line in 35:41.  Chelsea had crossed at 34:03, but I was really proud of myself.  Chelsea got a picture of the look on my face when I crossed the finish line.

It is a pretty potent combination of agony and relief.  Many 5k races have a category for runners over 200 pounds that they call the Clydesdale Class.  Since I tip the scales at just under 300, I thought they should have a class for me named the Paciderm Class or something.  I probably shouldn't have gone to the awards ceremony, because I was feeling pretty good about my finishing time until I heard that the winner in the 5 and 6 year old category had run a 30:47.  I was tempted to hit him with my cane. :0)

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