Tuesday, April 20, 2010

On My Way!

We left Tulsa at 7 this morning on our ten-day adventure to the Holy Land. I am now sitting in the Newark, NJ airport waiting for our flight to Tel Aviv. I already had a neat experience. I met Katie Stevens, the last one voted off of American Idol. Andrew Garcia was here in the airport as well.

I am eternally grateful to the ones who provided the means for me to make this trip. My wonder at the opportunity to stand on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem and speak the words of Jesus from the very spot where He spoke them, is beyond my ability to express. My dad has been to Israel twice and for the last couple of months, he has given me a long list of instructions so that I don’t miss anything that was significant to him when he came. I hope that I will be able to clear my mind of distractions this week and just listen for the voice of the Lord. I am not sure that I will have regular access to the internet in order to keep you updated, but I will try.  Keep looking up and if He decides to come back while I’m over here, I’ll meet you at the Marriage Supper. I’ll be the one with the camera around my neck.

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