Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Day in Denver

Lately, God has been challenging me to live an extraordinary life.  It is so easy to fall into a rut and live a life that is quiet, safe, and mundane.  This was not the way that Jesus called His discples to live.  As a matter of fact, He called them to a life that was radically different than anything this world has ever known.  He challenged them to abandon the fear of death and live for eternity.  He challenged them to take up their cross daily and follow Him.  God has been challenging me to find out what that would look like in my life and in the lives of the people that He has called me to lead.  Today, that adventure has taken me to Denver, Colorado.  This day has been a study in contradictions.  I got up this morning at 4 AM and hit the road to Tulsa, where I caught a flight to Denver.  I arrived to a beautiful day, a little cooler than it was at home, but framed by snow-capped mountains and scenic vistas.  Mount Evans and Echo Lake will take your breath away.  But as I made my way to my motel, I saw that Denver has its ugly side as well.  Traveling west on Colfax Ave., I saw a city with tremendous diversity.  But that diversity comes at a price.  Amidst the color and variety of Denver's east side, you also see, seedy bars, tattoo shops, New Age religious artifacts, drug periphenalia shops and a myriad of vulgar establishments.  Denver is a very liberal city.  The First Baptist Church of Denver is known for its open stance toward homosexuals.  Here in a town that is set in the splendor of God's creation, there is so much that flaunts itself against God and His Word.  I am here to attend a Missions Seminar that talks about taking the Gospel around the world, but here in the middle of our own country is a mission field as needy as one that you would find in any third-world country. 
I have looked forward to this day for quite a while, but now that it is here, it has fallen a little flat.  I guess its because I spent the day alone.  Beauty like this is always better when it is shared with someone you love.  I did, however, get an outline together for writing a book.  I have had lots of my friends ask me when I was going to do it, so I took some time today and got the process started.  In just a little while, my daughter, Chelsea, will arrive and then the adventure will really begin.  I want to have a burden for lost people like the one that God has given her. 
Please pray for us tomorrow as we listen to the missions presentation.  Pray that God will give both of us discernment so that we can know how He is leading.  Chelsea wants to know where God is going to take her.  I want to know what more God wants to do for world missions through our church.
I wish I could share the beauty of this place with you.  And to be honest, the ugliness too.  In these purple mountains' majesty, I see the handiwork of a God who has the power to move mountains if we will just believe.  And in the degradation of the people I see in these streets, I see the reason God has called us to be His witnesses.  We need to be reminded of both on a regular basis.

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