Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cry of My Heart

Since we are preparing for our Spring Revival that is coming up next week, I thought I would share something that the Lord gave me a while back dealing with the subject of personal introspection and repentance.  I call it, "The Cry of My Heart."

The Cry of My Heart

Awaken me, Lord. My spirit has been lulled to sleep by the constant droning of this world’s enticements. The hypnotic vibe of my everyday life saps my strength and pulls me toward a life lived in slow motion, where all that is eternal is crowded into insignificance. Your still, small voice is drowned out by the urgent cries of lesser things, so please Lord, let me hear You shout. Awaken me.
Crush me, Lord. I hardly know what I am asking. But this I do know, my pride, my desires, my dogged refusal to surrender all I am, my petty sins that rob me of Your power, these must be crushed in order for the sweet fragrance of Your Spirit to flow from my life. My hardened heart will never fully know Your love until it is broken and contrite in Your presence. And so I ask not that You would spare me the pain, but that You would be with me through all that is required to mold me into Your likeness. Crush me.
Purge me, Lord. Fill me up with Your precious Word so that all that rises against You will be washed out like the tide. Fill my mind with Your thoughts. Fill my heart with Your love. Fill my hopes and dreams with Your plans for me. And fill my days with unexplainable joy and an expectant hope for all that You have in store for me. Purge me.
Cleanse me, Lord. By the washing of Your Word, wipe away every spot and every stain that my daily trek through the sewer that is this world deposit on my soul and spirit. Avert my eyes from those things that taint my spirit and sully my character and fill me daily with the clean, pure, refreshing elixir of Your grace. Cleanse me.
Revive me, Lord. My spirit is faint. My passion has faded. The fire in my soul seems but an ember. I long for the fresh wind of Your spirit to fan these dying coals once more into raging intensity. Rebuke my half-hearted, casual, feeble praying and remind me that a moment in Your presence will bring more power than a lifetime of fleshly effort. Renew my love for You and Your people, my hatred for sin, and my hunger for Your Word. Revive me.
Fill me, Lord. I’m tired of serving You out of habit and duty. I am sick of self-dependence and arrogant self-determination. I have followed my own way, and it has led me down a deadly path. Now I want to know the leadership of Your Spirit. I want to feel the breath of Heaven and see Your Spirit moving in my life and my ministry. I understand that to be filled with You, I must be emptied of me. I choose with Paul to die daily, so that Your life can now be lived in and through me. Fill me.
Use me, Lord. I would not arrogantly contend that I have anything of value to offer You, but now that I am purchased with Your blood, cleansed with Your Word, and filled with Your Spirit, I am a vessel in Your hand. As the chisel lays no claim to the sculptor’s artistry, I simply desire to be a part of Your great work in these perilous times. Use me.
And Lord, when my work is done, come get me. I’m ready to come home. This pilgrim land in which I’ve traveled no longer holds a fascination for me. With each passing year, more of my loved ones see Jordan from Heaven’s side. I know that there is still work for me to do, and I know that the timing of Your coming is in the Father’s hand, but I am longing for the day when I can see You face to face. Even so Lord, come quickly.

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