Wednesday, April 14, 2010

God in the Blackberry Bush

Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote: "Earth's crammed with Heaven, and every common bush afire with God, but only he who sees takes off his shoes-- the rest sit around and pluck blackberries."
Isn't it true that the world has a tendency to grab our attention?  We get so wrapped up in the ordinary, every day things, that we miss the miraculous.  We never hear the still, small voice of God because we are too busy humming our own tune. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."  If there is one thing that we need right now more than anything else, it is an awareness of the presence of God.  When we see Him, it humbles us.  When we see Him, it causes us to recognize our sinfulness.  When we see Him, we allow Him to cleanse us so that we can be useful vessels in His service.  The Church of Jesus Christ was intended to be a prevailing force that changes the course of eternity for all of those that come in contact with it.  Sadly, today, there seems to be altogether too much "blackberry picking" going on.  We have the promise of God that if we will search for Him with all our hearts that we will find Him.  He says that if we simply place our trust in Him that He is willing to move mountains on our behalf.  Our worship has come to resemble the level of dedication that is shown in the message left by the young man for his girlfriend..."Honey, I'd climb the highest mountain for you.  I'd swim the widest river.  I'd fight a lion to win your love.....And if it quits raining, I'll stop by this evening and take you to dinner."  We sing "Lord I Lift Your Name On High" but we won't share the Gospel with our neighbor.  We sing "I Love You, Lord" but we don't show up for Revival services.  Maybe we have become too busy doing good things to really see that the bush is burning.  It is time that we made the time necessary to seek the Lord.  It may mean that we have to get up a little earlier.  It may mean that we have to cut out an hour of television. It may mean that we have to rearrange our priorities, but wouldn't you lay down your berry bucket if you knew that You were going to see God? It's time to take off our shoes.

1 comment:

  1. "Christians don't tell lies, they just go to church and sing them"- A.W. Tozer
