Saturday, April 24, 2010

Israel - Day 4

Ok, so how does each day get better and better?  We started the day today up on the Golan Heights.  This is probably the most fought over piece of ground in Israel other than Jerusalem.  But it is a beautiful place.  It is full of storks and everywhere you look there are fences that say, "Danger - Land Mines."  They let their cattle graze out in those mine fields.  I hear that is where Kung Pow Beef comes from. :0)
After the Golan Heights, we went to Caesarea-Philippi.  This is the place where Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was and Peter made his declaration.  There is a large cave there that is called the 'gates of Pan."  It is most likely what Jesus was referring to when he said that the 'gates of hell' would not prevail against His church.
Next we went to Tel Dan.  It is an amazing place where they have uncovered a city gate from the time of Abraham.  This is also the site where Jeroboam set up the false altar that became the center of idolatrous worship for the nation of Israel.  The discovery here indicates that the Canaanites began using the arch long before the Romans did.  We saw the river that runs down from Mount Hermon and feeds into the Sea of Galilee.  I wish I had more time to tell you all about it.
We had lunch at a neat little fish restaurant, where I broke one of my two cardinal rules of eating.  1. I don't eat anything I can't lift, and 2. I don't eat anything that still has a face.  Other than that, I'll eat just about anything.  Today, I broke rule number two.  But it was pretty good.
Tomorrow we head up to Jerusalem.  I will get to preach on the Mount of Olives. I am very excited about this wonderful opportunity.  The trip is now half over.  It will only get better from here.

Oh, by the way, my daughter Chelsea has decided to go on an 11 month, 11 country missions trip.  Go to her blog and find out about it.

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