Monday, April 5, 2010

New Mercy - Lam. 3:22-23

The view crossing Honey Creek this morning reminded me that even when the clouds roll in, God's mercies are new every morning.  This week, we are preparing for our Spring Revival with Dr. Greg Frizzell, author of such powerful books as Returning To Holiness, Iceberg Dead Ahead, and Releasing the Revival Flood. Dr. Frizzell's writings have had a powerful influence on my life personally and I am looking forward to having him here with us next week.  Whenever we schedule revival services, I try to focus my heart on what God might want to say to me.  I know that if my life, as pastor, is not right with God, then it will be hard for Him to work in the hearts and lives of my people.  This has been particularly evident to me in the past few months.  I recently finished doing a study with my daughter, Chelsea, based on the book, Crazy Love, by Francis Chan.  In it, the author asks, "Would you describe yourself as totally in love with Jesus Christ? Or do the words halfhearted, lukewarm, and partially committed fit better?"  I had to admit that I had let distractions, disappointments, wounds, and frustration rob me of the one thing that a pastor cannot do without, an all-consuming love for God.  Over the last several days, God has put me through the fire, burning out of me some of those things that my heart had held on to so dearly that only served to dilute my love for Him.  And the fire is never pleasant.  It is painful and the flesh resists it, but then it seems that God does something to remind me of His mercy and His love and it helps me to see that He is committed to using me for His glory and honor. 
More than anything in the world, I want to be a vessel of honor unto the Lord.  I want to be used by God to impact the lives of His people for eternity.  I want to lead His church, by example, into a more passionate love for God and selfless, dedicated service to Him.
I don't know what God wants to say to us during our revival services next week, but I do know this.  If we are going to hear from Him, we are going to have to clear away some of the rubble and prepare our hearts to be touched by His Spirit.  How we prepare ourselves this week may determine how effectively God's Spirit is able to work in us next week. 
Aren't you glad that God's mercies never run out?  Aren't you thankful that God is faithful? Let's not take that faithfulness for granted.  Let's open our hearts to the work that He wants to do in us.

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