Friday, April 16, 2010

Speak Lord, Thy Servant Heareth

Today shattered all expectations.  I am not sure what I thought I was coming to Denver for, to get away for a couple days, to spend some time with my daughter, to protect her from being misled by radical, heretical missionary zealots, I don't know.  What I do know is this.  God showed up.  I thought I was coming to a conference with hundreds in attendance.  The final count was 18.  I thought I was coming to help Chelsea discern the voice of the Lord.  He wanted to speak to me.  I thought I could sit on the sidelines and watch and listen.  God demanded that I sit frontrow center.  And when all was said and done, I had seen His face.  It is late and tomorrow is a big day, so I will just share one thought that God impressed upon me today.  Ps. 24:6 talks about a generation that seeks after the Lord.  That generation is a spiritual, not a biological generation.  Young or old, you can seek God's face.  And when you do, you will find that this King of Glory is strong and mighty and has invited you to join Him in the battle.  You will also find that He is the Lord of hosts, meaning that you are not alone.  He has a host of followers who are fighting the battle as well.  You and I must choose what we are going to do.  I am tired of presiding over a spiritual rest home of sleepy, sickly, powerless Christians.  It is time we girded on our armor and ran to the battle like David in the valley of Elah.  Each of us is a piece of the puzzle and we will never see the whole picture until we join together in love and obedience to God.
There were so many things that God showed me today.  I told Chelsea that I have at least a week of blog entries just from the morning sessions.   But for the most part, I want to put them in practice in my own life for a little bit before I start sharing them with you.  This has been an amazing trip.  I can't wait to get home and share it with you.  I hope that you have ears to hear me when I do.

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