Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Follow Me

Christian music has a powerful impact on me. The message that I find in the songs that I listen to often challenge me in unexpected ways.  They are often like mini-sermons.  At times it is little more than a simple phrase or seed thought from a song that God uses to convict me or encourage me or motivate me to do something that He is leading me to do.  As I was heading to the church this morning, my mind was racing over the ups and downs of the past two days.  Dr. Frizzell has been a tremendous blessing to me personally and God has spoken to my heart in several ways through his messages.  But God has also spoken to me through conversations with hurting people and wounded souls inside and outside of our church family. My prayer this morning has been, "Lord, identify for me the first steps that You want me to take in order to make a significant change in my walk with You and in my ministry to Your people."  Within moments of praying that prayer, I heard a song that spoke to my heart in ways that you might not recognize as coming directly from the lyrics, but I had no doubt that it was from Him.  The song said, "You lived among the least of these, the weary and the weak, and it would be a tragedy for me to turn away. All my needs you have supplied.
When I was dead you gave me life. How could I not give it away so freely? And I'll follow you into the homes of the broken. Follow you into the world. Meet the needs of the poor and the needy, God. Follow you into the World. Use my hands, use my feet to make your kingdom come to the corners of the earth until your work is done. 'Cause Faith without works is dead and on the cross your blood was shed so how could I not give it away so freely?"
To me, God was saying, "Follow me and I will take you into the places where there is the most need, whether it be the homes of the broken, the hearts of the offended, or the battlefields of the wounded.  When I feel inadequate to deal with the things I see, God says follow me. 
One of the major lessons I have learned through Dr. Frizzell's teaching this week is that I cannot do it in my own strength.  I must rely on the Spirit of God and in order for Him to work, I must draw close to Him with a daily time of intimate devotion and personal cleansing.  These are things that I have known, but sadly have let slip in my life.  It is my prayer today that I will be able to reestablish these things and lead the people that God has given me to do so as well.  Yes, Lord, I will follow You.

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