Friday, July 30, 2010

A Visionary's Prayer

Dear Lord, You are a God who knows all and sees all. And yet, You see things differently than we can. Help me to see things as you see them. Help me to see myself as you see me. Help me to recognize the value of my efforts in your service. Help me to see the grief that my sin causes you, and the consequences that it brings on my life and testimony. Give me new insight into my place in your family and the responsibilities that come with being a child of the King. Enlighten my understanding of my brothers and sisters in You. Help me to love them enough to overlook their quirks, trust them enough to bare my soul, and minister to them with the kind of spirit that will allow me to help them through their trials and out of their temptations. If I am injured or offended by any of them, help to speak of it only to them and You. And help me to seek reconciliation as soon as I can. In this way I will be able to see them as you see them, as your cherished treasures. Focus my eyes, as well as my heart, on the souls of the lost. Help me not to gaze at their sin, only at their need. Help me recognize as you do, that Your grace is their only hope and that I am your channel of grace to them. Give me enough courage to seek them out and win them regardless of the cost to myself, knowing that You paid a much greater price. Give me a vision of a world won to Christ and the strength to strive to see it come about. Help me to recognize that the mission field begins at my front door and extends to the ends of the earth. And most of all. Lord, help me to keep my eyes clearly focused on You so that I will not be caught unaware when you stand and call me to your side!

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