Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Built on Sinking Sand

Everything needs a good foundation!  I'm relearning that today in a unique way.  I have been talking with the YMCA and with some of the folks in our church about building a sand volleyball court here on the church property.  It would give us another opportunity for outreach to the young families of our community and would open the door for fellowship with some of the other churches here in town.  Once built, the maintenance and upkeep would be minimal and it would be just one more tool to draw people to our church.
In my mind, it was a simple little task with minimal cost and great potential benefit.  Then I started researching how to build a sand volleyball court.  There is much more to it than meets the eye.  Although sand is a shifty substance to work with, if you are going to do it right, you have to have a pretty deep base.  When all is said and done, the Sand and Gravel Co. figured that we would need 154 tons of sand for one regulation sized court and the surrounding area.  That is not a typo.  30' x 60' x 15" deep for the court, plus a five foot buffer and declining depth all the way around, 154 tons.  Wow!  Seven semi-truck loads!  Now, it is early in this process, so I may find out that I can do things a little different and use a lot less sand, I don't know.  What I am seeing from this is that many times there is a lot more to a project under the surface than appears on top of the ground. 
Jesus warned against building our lives upon an inadequate foundation.  In His illustration, He suggested building upon a rock.  That probably wouldn't be a good idea for a sand volleyball court, but for your life, it is right on. If you are putting up a tent for a night in the woods, you probably aren't going to be too concerned about how many years that tent will be able to stand on that piece of ground. But when we set out to make decisions that will impact our lives for years to come, we had better be sure that we have dug down deep and planted our lives upon the solid Rock of Jesus Christ and God's Holy Word.  Such a foundation demands that we trust God to hold us up through the difficult portions of life and sometimes it requires sacrifice of us, but in the long run, it provieds a stability that we can obtain in no other way.
I am looking for ways to bring the cost down for this project, because money doesn't grow on trees. And I'm looking for people that want to have a part in it, so that it because we don't have it in the church budget.   But if we are going to do it, then we need to do it right.  We need to lay a solid foundation so that it will last for years to come.
When we set out to lay the foundation for our lives, we find ourselves in the same condition, needy, without resources, and dependent on Someone else to supply, but there is no substitute for building upon the Rock.
Pray that God will make it clear if this is something that we should do and that he will supply the resources to do it if it is His will.

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