Monday, August 16, 2010

New Beginnings

John Pierpont Morgan said, “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”  Monday mornings are always a dilemma for me.  Getting the new week started is always a challenge.  There are always a few loose ends that need to be tidied up from the last week, and a bevy of new tasks waiting to be engaged.  But Monday morning, more than any other day of the week, comes with its own inertia, the tendency to just sit and ponder what has just transpired.  Most weeks, I can look back on the blessings of a wonderful day of ministry and thank God for all that he accomplished.  From time to time, when there have been difficulties or conflict, I sit and wonder what do I do now?  But always, I face the same challenge, "Take the first step!"  No matter how long this week's journey may seem, it will never be mastered until we get started.  I am reminded of an old Indian (India Indian, not Native American) proverb that asks, "How does one eat an elephant?"  The answer is always the same, "One bite at a time."  So this morning, I would challenge you, if the day or week or month ahead looks like a challenge, just take the first step.  Psalm 119:105 tells us that God's Word is a lamp at our feet.  If you hold a lantern down by your feet, it only casts enough light for you to see the next step, and until you take that step, you won't see where the next step will lead.  So on this Monday morning, take the first step and God will show you the next.  And before long, you will be running down the path.  You would be surprised how much energy an elephant sandwich will give you. :0)

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