Thursday, August 19, 2010

To The Summit

I am excited about where the Lord has been leading me over the past few months.  He has been gradually pulling the feathers from my nest, making me uncomfortable with the status quo, encouraging me to greater heights.  I wrote a poem about it a while back and I thought i would share it with you this morning.

To The Summit

Sometimes in the valley, beside the cool streams
With our Shepherd to guard us, our circumstance seems,
Idyllic and pleasant, well nigh sublime,
But the Shepherd, he tells us, It’s time now to climb,
Beyond this green pasture, up paths seldom trod
To a greater and better place, known only to God.
What? Leave all this comfort, where we’re safe and secure,
And venture to climb over footing unsure
Above and beyond this fair meadow we know
To a place where our Shepherd has bid us to go?
What if we stumble or by chance lose our way?
Why should we risk it all just to obey?
But the Shepherd assures us, if we follow His lead,
That the place that He’s taking us will far exceed
This safe little pasture that we’ve come to know
And again, He is bidding us, It’s time to go!
And so we set out on the arduous climb,
Up rocky pathways through difficult times
But assured that the Shepherd is walking ahead
Our faith becomes stronger conq’ring our dread
With each step the summit, now clearly in view,
Escapes from its cloud-covered shroud and breaks through,
With victory in sight, we surge to the peak,
Finding new strength in our legs once so weak.
And as we arrive at the high mountain’s crest.
We understand fully the Shepherd’s request.
For here at the summit, after passing the test,
We see that the Shepherd’s way surely was best.

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