Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Christian Citizen

It is surprising to me how many Christians acknowledge their responsibility to be the hands and feet of Jesus, yet shirk their duty to be His voice.  I am focusing this morning on our duty as citizens of a nation that allows its people to determine its direction through the electoral process.  There is no doubt that the political system of our once-great nation has degenerated over the last 50 years or so into little more than a shouting match, refereed by an increasing biased press and observed by an increasingly skeptical and uninformed electorate.  However, I believe that our nation and our system of government are a gift to us from God, a gift that brings with it a great responsibility.  Let me elaborate.  Our nation was established on biblical principles and served for almost 200 years as a banner to the world of what could happen when a people acknowledged God as their resource and guide.  When the Scriptures say, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," all you had to do was look at the USA to see that it was true.  The liberties that our system of government granted us allowed for unheard of prosperity, but also, open doors for ministry to the lost, the oppressed, and the needy around the world.  It didn't take long for America to outpace Britain as the number one missionary sending nation in the world.  The testimony of our nation was clearly displayed on our currency, In God We Trust!
As we all know, the climate in America has changed drastically in our lifetime.  We are seeing the fulfillment of Isaiah 5:20, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"  With the ascendance of relativistic thought, anyone who would dare call anything a sin is characterized as an intolerant bigot.  The result is that many Christians have either been shouted down or discouraged into silence.  And now, with the spectre of Islam on the horizon, our lack of a spiritual backbone has robbed us of any moral high ground from which to defend our way of life, as exemplified by the fact that there is even a debate about allowing a mosque at Ground Zero.
I hear some of my Christian brothers saying, "That is all the world system.  As Christians, why should we even be concerned about it? Why should I lower myself to be involved in an obviously corrupt process?"
Well, let me give you my answer. First, God has called us to be watchmen on the wall.  Throughout the Bible, God's people had to stand up to wicked government officials and try to turn them to the right.  Moses, Nathan, Elijah, and many others in the Old Testament.  John, the Baptist, Jesus, Peter, and Paul, in the New Testament.  All confronted the wickedness of those who governed them in an attempt to turn their nation back to God.  We have been given the unique blessing of having a say in our nation's decisions.  To shirk our responsibility as citizens is to give tacet approval to the direction that we are going and to allow those who deny Christ a greater voice.
As your pastor, I won't step over the bounds and tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you that God will hold you accountable for being His voice in the affairs of your community and nation.  For those of you in Delaware County, you have an opportunity today to make a difference.  As a Christian who loves his God and his country, I would like to encourage you to cast your vote and let God's voice be heard.

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