Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer Is Ended

It is hard to believe that summer is already coming to an end.  The kids are back in school, the lake traffic is starting to be limited to just the weekends, and I heard the weatherman say that we had a .00025 % chance of snow today.  But I'm sure it wouldn't stick.  The end of summer is another one of those milestones on our calendar.  This is a time of great anticipation for what usually is one of the most exciting and productive times of our year.  And this year, we have even more reason to be hopeful, because we have had a great summer.  But whenever I hear someone say, "I can't believe Summer is over!" It reminds me of an ominous and mournful passage of Scripture that has often served as a motivator for me.  Jeremiah 8:20 says, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."  We live in what I believe to be the terminal generation.  I am convinced that we will see Christ coming back for His people in our lifetime.  When He comes, those whom we have not reached with the Gospel will be left behind to face the greatest period of turmoil and devastation that this world has ever known.  Life is uncertain and our time is short. We must choose today to be the witness that God has called us to be, before the opportunity has slipped past us.  I belive that there are people all around us who are echoing the cry heard in Psalms 142:4, "I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul."
Can I challenge you this morning, to be a witness for Christ, before the harvest is past.  Just care enough for the souls of those around you to ask them if they know Jesus.  God will do the rest.

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