Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Five Smooth Stones

A shepherd boy with a lowly sling, kneeling by the brook
Carefully he made his choice, as five smooth stones he took
The giant fumed and cursed his God, and threatened him with harm,
But David knew that he would win, so he was not alarmed.

The first stone that he chose would be the hammer in God's hand
To bring Goliath to the ground, and vanquish all his band
The second stone would set to flight the enemy's dark horde
And show them that they could not beat the armies of the Lord.

The third stone held there in the scrip, was chosen for another
For David knew that one day he would face Goliath's brother
This enemy, the Philistines, would fight another day
And David might be called upon to keep them all at bay.

The fourth and fifth stones in the bag were kept there to remind him
That those who rise against the Lord would always seek to find him
The enemies of good and right will never, never rest.
So we must always be prepared to handle every test.

When facing giants in my life, I follow David's pattern
I face the foe with confidence because it's God that matters
I know that there will always be another battle brewing
But I can face it without fear because it is God's doing.

And so as I, as David did, kneel down beside the brook
I choose with care my five smooth stones and confidently look
Unto the One who guides my hand and joins me in the fight
Because I know that I can't lose when trusting in His might.

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