Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Daily Reminders of His Love

Isn't it amazing how quickly we forget how much God has done for us?  It seems like sometimes, as soon as the clouds gather, we forget what the sun looks like.  As I crossed the bridge this morning, I saw the sun coming up over the lake and once again it reminded me of how glorious God really is.  When the psalmist tells us that "His mercies are new every morning...," it should assure us that His love is everlasting, never-failing, and beyond our comprehension. I know that I live a charmed life.  God has blessed me in innumerable ways, yet I tend to get grumpy if I don't sleep well, or if the weather doesn't suit me, or if the price of gas gets too high.  I am well-fed (no comments are necessary here), live in a safe and comfortable home, have more possessions than I deserve, and have a wonderful family around me.  Compared to 95% of the world's population, I am rich, and oh, by the way, so are you.  So why is it that we spend so much of our time and energy worrying or complaining about our lives rather than rejoicing in what God has done for us and sharing it with others?  This is not a new problem. The children of Israel are a prime example of it.  They continually asked God, "What have you done for me lately?"  Instead of being thankful for His provision of manna and quail for them to eat in the wilderness, they acted like spoiled children and longed for the days of bondage. 
I don't want to be like that, so I will just remind myself that life is hard, but God is good. The road is rough, but Heaven awaits. Many are the trials, but they pale in comparison to the price He paid and the glory that is to come. So today, I will rejoice in Him.

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