Monday, July 19, 2010

Dog Days

We are certainly in the 'dog days' of summer right now.  It is so hot here in Grove that I saw a dog chasing a cat and both of them were walking.  People don't like to get out in this heat unless it involves going to the lake or some other refreshing water-related activity.  I guess that is one reason (excuse) for what is traditionally known as the 'Summer Slump' in churches.  Many people decide to take a vacation from God during the summer.  But I am thankful that God is blessing our church in an unusual way this summer.  We are seeing souls saved, visitors in our services, and a refreshing spirit of cooperation and excitement as we prepare for our Vacation Bible School.  This morning, I would like to encourage you to think about ways that you can be more faithful to church during the summer.  Little things like waiting to go to the lake until after the services or leaving earlier on Friday so that you can be back by Sunday.  Everyone needs a vacation and God wants us to be a witness for Him wherever we go.  But when we are in town, we ought to be in church.  Hebrews says that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together.  It doesn't say, "Except during June, July, and August..." 
I hope I am not sounding grumpy here, because in reality, I'm only thinking of you.  We have had great attendances and wonderful services for the last several weeks.  We are really experiencing a 'Summer Surge' rather than a Summer Slump.  But there are many of our faithful regulars who are missing out on what God is doing, and I hate that.  My heart says, " Wow, that was such a blessing! I wish so-and-so could have been here for that.  They would have loved it." 
So let me encourage you to be here this Sunday and every chance you get for the rest of the summer.  We have three installments left in our Summer Sermon Series, "Running Toward Goliath" as well as a special guest on August 1st and our Church's 45th Anniversary on August 8th.  We have seen the altars full and lots of decisions being made over the last few weeks and I believe that God is getting ready to pour out his blessings on our church as we surrender to Him in new and exciting ways.
So if it's too hot on Sunday morning and you are tempted to stay home, just remember the church has Air Conditioning.

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