Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Prayer For America

My prayer for America on this, her 234th birthday.

A Prayer for America

Once she stood tall, her goodness acclaimed,
Men flocked to her shores, for freedom from chains.
She offered them hope and a chance to breathe free
And all who came to her knew her to be
A bastion of liberty, a fortress of faith,
Where God's Word was law, and His Name was raised
In prayer for her safety, prosperity, might,
And even her government sought Its pure light.
But oh, what a mystery! Has she lost her way?
To the sins of humanity has she fallen prey?
For now in her courtrooms, His Word is scorned,
And from safe in the womb unborn babies are torn,
And schoolrooms have vanquished His very name
Leading to anarchy, scandal, and shame.
Leading the Christian to sadly surmise
Before very long we will see her demise.
But wait, there is hope, if only she'll turn
Away from her idols, and seek to relearn
The lessons once taught her by strong, fiery men
Who awakened our country when last she gave in
To greed and to passion, to sensual lust
And turned their hearts back to "In God is our Trust”
Like Edwards, and Whitfield, Moody, and Hamm,
Sunday, and Riley, and Norris, and Graham.
She needs the help of a few willing men,
Who'll give up their comfort in order to win
Her heart back to Jesus, and back to His Word,
Please God spare our country, may our prayer be heard.
Pastor Marty Hughes

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