Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Setting God on Silent

Every once in a while, I look at my cell phone and notice that I have missed two or three calls.  That is an unusual thing, because I carry it with me like it is connected with an umbilical cord.  Then I notice that the little switch on the side that silences the ringer is flipped.  That little switch is an important feature, especially for a Pastor.  If you think it is embarrassing for you when your phone rings in the middle of a service, imagine what it feels like if you are the one preaching.  But when we forget to turn the ringer back on, it makes it difficult for people to get in touch with us. 
I think that sometimes, we do this to God.  We turn off the ringer, and although He tries to speak to our hearts, we never get the message.  Whether it is by filling our lives with worldly distractions or throwing ourselves into our leisure activities or even getting so caught up in the work of God that we neglect the God of the work, we let other things silence His voice. 
When my phone is on silent, it vibrates to let me know that someone is calling.  That feeling is a gentle reminder that just because I can't hear it, doesn't mean that there is no one there.  God uses little things to stir our souls, trying to get our attention again, but sometimes we are so wrapped up in activity that we aren't even aware of that stirring.
I would challenge you today, that maybe it's time to check your messages.  Is God trying to speak to you?  Is He trying to move you to a new place of intimacy with Him?  Or is He just longing to hear your voice?  Take a few minutes today to check your settings.

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