Monday, May 10, 2010

Time Flies

Tomorrow morning, I will be attending the 30 Year Reunion of my college graduation class. It doesn't seem possible to me that so much time has passed or that I am really this old.  Now, I do have to add one disclaimer this morning.  I was 16 years old when I arrived on the campus of Baptist Bible College in the fall of 1976.  So I am not nearly as old as most of my classmates, but still, 30 years, wow!
It brings to my mind the words of Moses as recorded in Psalms 90:12, "So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."  The Bible is full of reminders that this life is temporary and uncertain.  It is shorter than we think, so we need to live each day with an awareness of how precious it is.  This past week, Shelley and I went to several of the places that were dear to her during her childhood.  Homes where she lived, schools she attended, the path to the High School that she walked everyday.  Funny, it didn't look like it was uphill both ways.  And we also rekindled friendships and renewed acquaintances from the distant past. All of these things reminded us how quickly time flies by.  Because life is so short, we need to be sure that we "apply our hearts to wisdom."  We need to seek out God's will and use every resource to see it accomplished in our lives.  In Eph 5:15 & 16, Paul admonishes us,  "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."  In this context, the word redeem means to 'make worthwhile.' We need to make every moment count for God, because before we know it the moments will have turned into fleeting years and our opportunities will have passed.
I want to live each day to its fullest potential for the Lord, so that when another 30 years has flown by, I will be able to look back with joy on all that God has accomplished in and through me.

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