Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ministry to an Upside Down World

I've been thinking about the verse in Acts that talks about the fact that the early church "turned the world upside down."  We've all heard the comments about the church's task being, in reality, to turn the world right side up, but there is something about this imagery that speaks to the mindset of the world in general.  The "real world" is made up of four quadrants; the spiritual and the physical, and the fallen and redeemed portions of each.  Most of the time, our human perspective sees things through a distorted glass, kind of like a fogged up mirror image.  There are many examples of this, but the one that is particularly on my mind this morning is the one that Christ dealt with in the Upper Room.  It was the last time that He would be with his disciples before His crucifixion.  He knew that their hearts were troubled and confused.  He offered them words of comfort and hope and then He drew them a picture of the attitude that is necessary in order to make an impact on the world around us.  He took a basin of water, he wrapped a towel around His waist, and then the very Son of God, Who had participated in the creation of the world, Who was due all glory and honor, to Whom they owed their very lives and their eternal souls, knelt down in front of them and began to wash their feet.  The Master became a servant.  The Great and Majestic One, humbled Himself before lowly fishermen and farmers.  To say the least, that was out of the ordinary. 
I believe that if we, as God's witnesses and ambassadors, were to humble ourselves in such a way before the lost and needy of this world; if we were to become their humble servants instead of trying to drive them to Christ, the radical nature of servant evangelism would once again turn this world on its ear.  A kind word, a humble act of service, a cup of cool water in themselves do not provide the wayward heart all of the information needed to turn to Christ.  But they do serve to break down the walls of resistance and open the door to hearing the message.
Maybe it's time to lay down the heavy cloak of our pride and gird ourselves with the towel of humility.  Maybe we need to put off the pursuit of accomplishment and the desire for accolades, and simply give ourselves to be a simple tool in the hands of the Master.  May I challenge you today, to find a way to humbly serve someone else in the Name of Christ in a way that offers you nothing in return.  It may just be that by doing so, you will turn their world right side up.

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