Thursday, May 13, 2010

Succeeding at Meaningless Things

In his book, Crazy Love, Francis Chan quotes Tim Kizziar as saying, "Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." What are you doing today that will outlast you?  What is there of eternal value in the things that you give your time, energy, resources, and emotions to?  This is the most critical question of life.  How do I choose the things that will occupy the limited time that I have on this earth?  Rick Warren put it another way.  He said, "Find out what are the very few things that will make the most difference in the world.  Know what really counts. Do what really counts.  Forget about the rest."  I am of the opinion that we allow our attention to be easily led away from the things that God is doing around us and the things that He is trying to do in us.  We are distracted by our own hopes and dreams, by the enticements of the flesh, and by the mundane trivia of daily life.  It isn't long and we look around and say, "How did I get here and where do I go from here?"  I believe that we need to start every day with a simple prayer. "Lord, show me your will for my life today and show me the next step that You want me to take." If these things are our focus, then the distractions of life will have a harder time taking hold.  If I know that I am doing God's will for my life today and I trust Him to show me the next step and then I take that step in faith, He will lead me into whatever His long-term plan for me is.  And if I follow Him every day, I won't have to worry about getting to the end of the road and finding out that my life didn't count for anything.
I have also found that if I follow the path that He has set out for me, there is some pretty nice scenery along the away. 
Lord, make my life count for you!

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