Saturday, May 8, 2010


Today is a big day for my good friend and golfing buddy, Luke.  He is graduating from Tulsa University.  Luke is a sharp young man.  He is a strong mixture of the organizational skills and attention to detail of his wonderful mother, Brenda, and the passionate heart and penchant for stirring things up of his dad, Joe.  Luke is an outstanding horseman and an above average golfer.  I say this because I am an average golfer and his scores are consistently above mine. :0)  Winston Churchill said that if, at 21 you were not a liberal, you probably had no heart and if by 35 you weren't a conservative, you probably had no brain.  Well, Luke is a passionate conservative at 23 with a heart to match.  I think Luke has aspirations about a life as a politician, although, in my opinion, he tells you exactly what he is thinking a little too much to get elected President in today's political climate.  But I can see him serving as the White House Chief of Staff someday.  I have enjoyed our times together because he is as much of a story teller as I am.  To hear him tell about his adventures in Paris and his conversations with the cabbie, as well as some of his other youthful hijinks have been great fun.  I have tried to be his friend and his confidant.  He is still filled with youthful exhuberance and passion for life that sometimes gets him in trouble, but I think the future is really bright for him, and maybe for us because of what he accomplishes.  Congratulations, Luke!  I can't wait to see what God does with you next.

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