Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fellowship Week

Last night was a fantastic start to Fellowship Week at Baptist Bible College.  Fellowship Week is one of three yearly meetings of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International.  The May meeting is always held at BBC in conjunction with the graduation.  At this meeting, we always enjoy outstanding preaching and the Fellowship approves new missionaries, which insures the continued life of the movement.  Last night the speaker was Dr. Mark Hodges, the current President of the BBFI.  He has called for a concerted outpouring of prayer for revival in our fellowship throughout this year, and last night he preached on being Men of Integrity.  He shared a video of Dr. Armie Jesalva, pastor of the Bible Baptist Church, in Cebu, Phillippines, encouraging his people to pray for revival in America, because America brought the Gospel to them.  If it weren't for America, they would still be in darkness, but America is going down, so pray for revival in America.  It was very convicting.  Dr. Hodges spoke of Joseph as a man of purity, Daniel as a man of principles and Paul as a man of purpose.  There was also some excellent music, although the sound guys were awful. I hope they get that straightened out.
We have more preaching and the business meeting this morning, then I will help Bobby move out of his apartment and put his stuff in storage, then back for another great service tonight. 
Tomorrow morning, I go to my 30th class reunion, then we have Missions Day, where they will approve 10-15 new missionaries, then we have our Alumni Banquet, and I head home for the services tomorrow night.
So, as you see, my pace has not slowed down any this week.  But, as far as I know, this is the last trip for a while.  I am ready to be home for a couple months and see what God can do with all of the things that He has taught me over the past six weeks.  I think it is going to be great!

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