Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Joys of Obedience

We live in a very rebellious society.  The passion for freedom and liberty that our forefathers were willing to die for was tempered by an understanding of personal responsibility and respect for godly authority.  It was not the all-out license to do as you please without consideration for the impact of our actions upon others.  But the gradual and ever quickening trend of the last 50 years or so has been toward total autonomy and selfish individualism, even narcissism.  This attitude has found its way into the church and into the lives of individual Christians, and one of the many results has been a somewhat negative attitude toward the concept of obedience.  In our attempts to find a Biblical position that resists legalism while honoring repentance of sin and sanctification, it seems that we have forgotten the fact that God says, " obey is better than sacrifice..."
In the mind of the modern American, obedience indicates coercion, degradation, or servitude.  Sadly, this attitude has crept into the Christian understanding as well.
But the Bible gives a very different view of obedience.  Let me see if I can put this into words. Obedience creates an environment in which God can work freely to use us, bless us, and produce fruit in us.  Obedience allows the power of the Holy Spirit to flow and His passion to fuel everything within us.  It places us in the path of God's greatest blessings for our lives and ultimately results in our greatest joy.  Let me give you a few examples:
The Bible tells us to forgive those who have wronged us.  Our human nature and our pride make this very difficult, but would anyone argue with the fact that forgiving others and finding forgiveness ourselves is a much more peaceful and joyous way to live? Is it cruel of God to require something of us that releases us from the bondage of past hurts and the prospect of continuing conflicts?  Forgiveness is for our sakes, not for the sake of those we have been commanded to forgive.  The unforgiving Christian becomes bitter and frustrated.  And their testimony for Christ is severely limited.  So choosing to be obedient in the area of forgiveness is really a no-brainer.
Second, the Bible tells us that "the tithe is the Lord's."  Many Christians see this as an imposition on their lifestyle or an unreasonable request.  In truth, it is a principle that has been in place since long before the Law was ever given.  It involves several elements.  First, Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also."  When a Christian is disobedient in financial matters, it is evidence of a heart issue.  It might be greed or materialism.  It might be a lack of faith.  It might be a lack of understanding of what God is trying to do in their lives.  But whatever it is, it certainly robs the Christian of the full blessing of God upon His life. This is one of the very few things about which God challenges us to test Him.  In Malachi, God says that the person who does not tithe is robbing God, but that God desires to bless in abundant ways if we will just acknowledge that everything belongs to Him by giving Him the portion that He requires.  The results of obedience in this area are wonderful.  God gives us peace about financial matters when we are faithful to Him.  He promises to pour out His blessings in abundant ways.  And, when God's people are faithful, His church has the resources it needs to function in the fullness of ministry that God intended for it.
Finally, the Bible clearly states that we are His witnesses here at home and around the world.  Unfortunately, many Christians have clammed up about their faith.  Many Christians who have been saved for years and are very proud of their faithful attendance to the services and stoic avoidance of anything that might resemble sin, have not shared the gospel with anyone for years and in many cases have not even invited their friends and neighbors to attend church with them.  The Bible assures us that obedience in this matter will result in great joy in the life of a Christian.  There is no more joyous event than the birth of a child or the salvation of a soul, and to know that you had a part in someone finding a relationship with Christ that delivers them from the bondage of their sin and an eternal hell, is nothing but good.  So why is it so hard?  Well, there is that little voice in your head saying, "What are they going to think of you?" I can tell you right now, that voice isn't your conscience and it is certainly not the Holy Spirit.  It is the devil trying to dissuade you from being obedient.
So, why don't we determine in our hearts today that we are going to choose obedience, especially in these three areas, each and every day for the next month.  Then, let's take a look back and see what God was able to do as a result.  I promise that you will not be disappointed.

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