Thursday, September 9, 2010

Trusting in His Promises

J. Hudson Taylor, pioneer missionary to China said, “There is a living God. He has spoken His word. He means just what He says, and will do all that He has promised.”  It is sad how often we need to be reminded of these simple facts.  God is alive! He is powerful! His Word is true! And He is faithful!  We often fall into the same mindset with those few believers in the house of John Mark's mother.  Peter was in prison under the threat of beheading.  They gathered to pray all night long.  God answered their prayers and released Peter, but when he arrived at the door, they didn't believe that it was him.  They didn't expect God to answer their prayers.  Most of the time we resist stepping out on faith, doing big things for God, because while we give lip-service to the efficacy of prayer, we don't genuinely put our trust in God fulfilling His promises.  In the Book of Hebrews, Paul tells us how we can be pleasing to God.  He explains that in order to come to God, we must first believe that He is.  Sadly many Christians live their lives like "practical atheists."  We proclaim that we know God, but we live our lives as if He didn't exist.  If we genuinely believe that "He is," then we will live each moment with an awareness of His presence, His interest in our daily lives, and our responsibility to live for Him. Secondly, Hebrews tells us that in order to please God we must believe that He is "a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."  How would you show that you believe this?  By living as though you are confident in His faithfulness to fulfill the promises that He has made.  I Cor. 10 speaks of the wilderness that believers are journeying through on their way to heaven.  It warns us not to follow in the footsteps of the children of Israel who, while trekking through their wilderness, became self-absorbed, idolatrous, sexually obsessed, negative and rebellious.  Paul encourages us to remember that God is faithful and that He will bring us through the fiery tests that this life inflicts upon us.  With every trial, there is an escape hatch.  With every temptation, there is a way to overcome it.
So let me encourage you today.  Whatever you are facing in life, never forget that God is faithful.  Remind yourself that His promises are true.  The first of those promises is that He will never leave you or forsake you.  You are not alone.  He answers prayers, so maybe you need to go see who is at the door.

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