Monday, September 13, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays

Isn't it amazing how we let outward appearances and circumstances affect our moods and feelings?  When I stepped out of my front door this morning, the rain was pouring down.  As I crossed Honey Creek, the sky was gray and it was almost as if a cloud had settled on the lake.  In my mind, the old song started playing, "Rainy days and Monday's always get me down..."  And for a moment, I believed it.  Thoughts flashed through my mind about how tired I feel, how much I miss loved ones who are far away, how much work I have to do, and the pile of clutter laying on my desk crying out to be dealt with.  A McDonald's breakfast and a cup of less than stellar coffee later, I sat in my office listening to the rain fall outside the window, wondering where to begin.  Then it hit me.  Why am I feeling this way?  Because it's raining?  We need the rain.  It is cool and refreshing and the A/C hasn't kicked on once since I've been sitting here.  Because I am tired? I got 8 hours of sleep last night and any residual fatigue is just the result of an awesome day of ministry yesterday.  I am more rested today than most days, let alone most Monday mornings.  Disappointments, struggles, conflicts, tests, trials????  These are all part of life and evidence that God is actively working in me to refine me for His purposes.  They are not a reason to be down or discouraged.  As a matter of fact, James encourages us to "count it all joy..."  Despite the common theme of Monday morning FaceBook statuses, Monday offers a new beginning, another opportunity to get it right, a chance to be the salt and the light wherever God has placed us.  So, I have decided that the best way to deal with rainy days and Mondays is to count my blessings.  I have so much to be thankful for, a loving family, great people to work with and minister to, a comfortable home in a town that I love, and most of all a God who loves me in spite of myself and blesses me even when I don't deserve it.  So I think I'm going to write a new Monday morning song...When it's raining Monday morning and the sky is dark and gray, I'll remember all God's blessings as I journey on my way. When I'm lonely I'll remember all the loved ones far and near, that He's given me to care for and my priceless friends so dear.  When I'm facing trials and struggles that put me to the test, I'll remember that He cares for me and knows just what is best. With the love that God has given me and the blessings that abound, rainy days and Mondays should never get me down.

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