Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hope for a Nation

This morning I was able to participate in an event that I find very encourgaing.  I stood in front of Grove Middle School with a group of sixth through eighth graders and prayed for our community, our nation, our leaders and the lost.  The entire event was led by the students themselves and it offered hope for what the future holds for our country.  There are, among the upcoming generation, a few young people who are passionately in love with the Lord and His Word.  They understand their responsibility to be a witness and they are not ashamed to make a public stand for Christ out in front of their school.  Another group met at Grove High School and still another at the Community Center, all with the common purpose of standing up for Christ and acknowledging that the first and best remedy for our schools, our community, and our nation is prayer.  I look forward to seeing what God is going to do with some of these young prayer warriors.  I believe that He can use them to shake their world!

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