Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Present Reality

Once upon a time..... or Someday when I..... These are two statements that rob us of the blessings of God in our lives.  We spend so much time reminiscing about the past or longing for the future that we forget to live in the moment and rejoice in what God is doing right now.  The past is a trap because we can either get caught up in anger, bitterness, or regret or we can romanticize the "good ol' days" so much that we long to return to them rather than moving forward.  The future also has the potential of harm in that we often are so focused on some future blissful circumstance that we don't do what needs to be done today.  While we wait for things to be "just right" we sacrifice the opportunities that God is giving us right now.  Paul challenged us to "press toward the mark..." by forgetting those things that are behind.  Jesus challenged us to "take no thought for tomorrow..." but to live by faith today.  The answer is to look at the past with thanksgiving, to address the present with faithful determination, and to approach the future with hope.  God is in control of all three.  Nothing you do can change the past.  The future will be what it is when it gets here.  All you can affect is how you live today.  So let's live it for the glory of God!

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