As I was thinking about my devotion this morning, I realized that most of the beautiful pictures of sunrises and sunsets that I post on my blog have been taken from the same place, crossing Honey Creek Bridge. I have already expressed my love for this beautiful place and the joy that it brings to my heart each morning as I head into town and each evening as I make my way home. But what is on my heart this morning is the significance of that 400-yard long expanse of concrete and steel that makes it possible for me to get from my side of the lake to town without getting wet. A bridge is a device that carries you across a divide, whether it be water or canyon and connects the two sides, making it easy to pass from one to the other. The tendency of the human heart is to protect itself against being hurt, so rather than building bridges that span the relational chasms between us, we generally build walls to keep others out. But God didn't create us to live in isolation. He intended for us to function in concert with others. Our sin had created a gaping chasm between us and God and between us and others around us, but Jesus came and suffered and died to become the bridge by which we could make our way to God. Our relationship to Him also leads us to build bridges to those around us so that we can relate properly with them. A few months ago, I wrote a little poem about this subject so I thought I would share it with you this morning. I hope that it is a blessing to you and I hope it challenges you to reach out to those around you with the love of Jesus.
Bridges, Not Walls
It seems at times our lives are filled
With conflicts great and small
And so we build around our hearts
A high foreboding wall
We set a watch and keep our hearts
From venturing outside
And chase all others from the gates
With spears of foolish pride.
But such is not the way that God
Created us to live,
He built in us an innate need
To nurture and to give.
It’s hidden and it’s oft denied,
But there down deep inside,
And when its given room to breathe,
Our hearts are satisfied.
The world may scoff and scurry on
In pursuit of their selfish goals
But all who find God’s way of peace
Find treasures half untold
For bitter hearts and selfish ways
Lead to a lonely life,
But open hearts and loving ways
Reflect the face of Christ.
And so instead of building walls
To keep the world at bay,
Let’s build a bridge of Jesus’ love
And show the world His way.
Let's go out and build a bridge to someone today!