Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Free At Last!

Ten years ago, the leadership of Independent Baptist Church saw a need to expand their ministry to young families in Grove. In response to that need they began the process of building a Family Life Center. When Pastor Marty Hughes came to the church in 2004, the building was up, the gym floor was usable, but the rest of the infrastructure was unfinished. Seeing the wonderful potential of what they had started, Pastor Hughes led the church to resume the building process. In November of 2007, the church entered a capital funds campaign that they called Faith2Finish, with the expressed goals of finishing the building and paying off the remaining debt in three years time. In September of 2008, IBC held a Grand Opening for its completed Family Life Center, featuring a fully furnished guest quarters for visiting speakers, a 30x30 youth meeting room, a 30x30 game and fellowship room, restrooms equipped with showers, and a concession area. On Sunday, June 6th, six months ahead of schedule, the church burned the mortgage achieving its dream of a wonderful ministry facility and freedom from debt.

Board Chairman Bruce Hensley, of H & H Construction served as General Contractor on the building and Deacons Chuck Nelson and Don Brewer spent almost every day for the final year and a half of the project moving the building toward completion. The faithful efforts and sacrificial giving of the entire Independent Baptist Church family have led to a wonderful tool for the thriving youth ministry of the church that is led by David and Khristi Hardesty and Jason and Becky Dantic. IBC's cooperation with the Grove YMCA has led to a steady flow of families through the facility since its opening, as the building serves as the venue for the YMCA's Adult Coed Volleyball League and as a practice site for their Youth Basketball League.

Pastor Marty Hughes said, "We thank the Lord for providing us with a place and an opportunity to reach out and minister to the young families of Grove and the surrounding area. And we plan to see that vision bear fruit in a powerful way as we head into the future."

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