Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cracked Pots

It amazes me, how God uses broken vessels to carry His Living Water.  It has been a while since I posted to this blog.  I could say that I've been busy, this has been an amazing summer filled with fruitful work and ministry. But in reality, I've just been distracted.  I've told people for a long time that God blesses me far beyond what I deserve, and that has become more real to me in these last few days.  At our Men's Retreat over the weekend, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Are you enjoying the blessings that I've been pouring out on your church?" He said, "Just imagine what I could do if you would just give me your whole heart, all of your attention, the full measure of your strength, and a single-minded focus."
The very first speaker quoted Ps. 19:12-14. It reminded me that my words, my thoughts, my actions, and the things that my heart meditates on are constantly in the sight of God and I need to be sure that they are acceptable to Him.
It is easy to let yourself think that the blessings of God are the result of your efforts, when in fact, I've learned that they are more often in spite of your shortcomings.  All God wants from us is a vessel that He can use.
I guess my challenge today is that we give ourselves fully to the Lord so that He has a little more to work with when He sets out to bless our lives and our church.  Because it truly is amazing how much Water He can haul, even in a cracked pot.

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