Monday, July 4, 2011

Lithuania - Day 4 - 17 More Set Free!

I apologize for not having any pictures tonight.  This has been a whirlwind of a day.  Up at 6:00, ummm, 6:10, ooookaayyyyy 6:20 AM so that we could pack up, load up, and head to the gym for our last day of Basketball Camp in Kaunas, three hours of basketball camp that included 17 more young people choosing to follow Christ, lunch at McDonald's(oh, by the way, ketchup costs .45 over here), a four and a half hour trip to Riga, an adventure at the airport, checking in for our flight and checking our bags, turning in the rental vans, and taking a taxi to our hotel. By the time we headed out from our hotel for the half mile walk to Riga's Old Town, it was almost 8 PM.  We decided to have one more good meal before we lift Riga, so we stopped in at T.G.I. Friday's.  After a great steak and a little dessert, we hit the shops for souvenirs and headed back to the hotel.  It is now 11:15 PM and the sun has just ducked below the horizon.  My laptop battery and my body's energy resources are both just about depleted, but I couldn't go to bed without sharing this last post.
God worked miracles today.  He intervened in a situation that could have thrown a stumbling block into the situation and turned it into a blessing.  He spoke to the hearts of the children and answered our direct prayers about a couple of the kids that we knew needed the Lord. Our young orphan Gades prayed to receive Christ and I am praying that God chooses to use him in a mighty way. 
One story that I must tell you.  Each day we wrote our names on a piece of duct tape and asked the kids to do the same so that we could communicate with them.  One of the younger orphans' name was Donates.  Yesterday as we were walking out of the gym, my name tag was hanging a little loose and he reached up and grabbed it.  This morning, when he arrived, he was wearing my name tag and made a point of showing it off to me.  He is probably no more than nine or ten.  He has such a sweet personality and I'm sure that the other boys make his life a living hell.  If I could, I would have brought him home with me.  When we asked them to pray and ask Jesus to be their Saviour, Donates was the first one to do so and the rest of the day, his smile lit up the entire room.  Before he left, he brought me a gift for all that we had done for them. 
Tomorrow we will leave Latvia.  While we were here, God used us to see 103 young people come to know him.  And although we will leave Latvia, Latvia will hold onto us for a long, long time.

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