Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Latvia (Day 6) - Tears on Earth, Rejoicing in Heaven

Okay, so the kids probably didn't understand why I was crying.  I was standing in the gym watching them go from coach to coach and asking for our autographs on the balls and t-shirts that we had given them, and it was all I could do to keep the tears from rolling down my face.  What I had witnessed in the previous hour and a half is still causing goose-bumps as I sit here seven hours later writing this post.  Today was the last day of our camp here in Talsi. Each day, we have shared a small portion of the Gospel and explained it as best we can to each group of kids who either weren't in the camp last summer or just didn't make a decision for Christ.  The first couple of days, we spoke of God's game plan for their life and the problem of sin.  It was evident that some were grasping what we were saying, because yesterday one of the boys, said, "Is today when we hear the good news?"  Well, this morning we brought each group into one of the locker rooms so that we could have a little privacy.

The first group was made up of 6 middle school boys.  When Joel asked them if they would like to ask Christ into their heart, all six raised their hands, all six prayed to receive Jesus, and all six became our brothers in Christ.  I left the room with the feeling  that this day was going to be very special.  So that every coach would have the opportunity to witness the impact of our work here this week, we rotated with each group so that each coach had a chance to sit in while the invitation was given to a small group of campers.  By the end of the day thirty-five campers prayed to ask Jesus to forgive their sins and be their Saviour.
When I heard the final results, I just couldn't hold back the tears.  5000 miles, thousands of dollars in travel expenses, time away from family and church responsibilities, all for a little basketball coaching???? Nice vacation, Pastor, have fun on your little basketball trip.  Well, today is what it is all about.  This is why we came.  There may be tears here in Talsi, but they are tears of joy, and they are nothing compared to the rejoicing that is going on in heaven right now.

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