Saturday, June 25, 2011

Latvia (Day 2) Stripping Wallpaper For Jesus

Today was a beautiful day in Latvia.  We got up and had a wonderful breakfast that featured scrambled eggs, a very interesting toast with melted cheese and garlic that was awesome, and more fresh strawberries with something that was called Russian creme.  I later found out that it was just sweetened condensed milk, so I have a new thing to try when I get home.
One of our team is going to stay here in Talsi as a missionary to disciple the young people that we see come to Christ through these camps.  After breakfast we went to the apartment that they are preparing for him to live in.  We spent most of the morning stripping wallpaper and moving furniture and painting ceilings. 
After doing as much damage as we could, we came back to the school for a little nap.
When everyone was refreshed, we went to a pizza place for dinner and then for a short tour of the town.  The menu of the pizza place was very interesting.  I have to say that it is the first place that I have ever seen beef tongue on the menu for a pizza. 
The town of Talsi is a beautiful little village whose archetecture reminds you of a WWII movie set.

We saw a family of swans walking down the middle of the street holding up traffic. Later in the evening, we saw a hedgehog walking around the school grounds.  Fortunately, we had one of our hosts there to tell us that they were very gentle animals, so I took the opportunity to pet one.

I'm a little sweaty because a couple of us had to show some of the young bucks around here how to play basketball.
We ended the evening with a long planning session for our camps which start tomorrow.  I will be in charge of discipling the kids who came to Christ in last year's camp.  The station where we share the Gospel will be divided into two sections this year.  Joel will teach the basic plan of salvation and I will teach some basic discipleship stuff.  It is looking like we will have a much better turnout than last year.  We are looking forward to a great start tomorrow afternoon.  Pray for us.

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