Friday, January 7, 2011

How About You?

How About You?

The fields are white, His Word is true,
The harvest is great, the laborers few.
And when I inquire, "Why perish the lost?
Why are they wandering, blind, tempest-tossed?
Why won't some Christian go lead them in,
Out of hell’s pathway ravaged by sin?
Why won’t they show them the Way that is True?"
Then the Lord asks me, "How about you?
You know the story of mercy and grace.
You found me waiting when you sought my face.
You have been purchased by My love divine,
You claim to be one that I will call mine.
Why don't you tell them of My love so rare?
You be the one this message to share."
The harvest is waiting, we must count the cost,
For if we delay, their souls will be lost.
The time of the harvest is passing us by,
And if we don’t reap, we’ll mourn by and by.
But if we are faithful, God’s Word is true,
And we'll be rejoicing eternity through.

Pastor Marty Hughes

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