Thursday, November 18, 2010

Accumulated Grace

On Tuesday of this week, I celebrated my 51st birthday.  Shelley wasn't feeling well and went to bed early that evening, so I sat up for a while and thumbed through the old photo albums and reminisced about my life.  It was fun seeing all of the pictures of my childhood and early adult years.  It reminded me of all that I have to be thankful for in my life.  Each picture brought back memories about the stories that surrounded that particular event.  People that have played such a big part of my life that now have moved on, either to heaven or down the path that their own journeys have taken them on, others who still have a daily impact on my life, all were gifts of God's grace to me at a time when I needed them most.   That stroll down memory lane helped me to realize that what I am today is the product of the accumulated grace of God over these many years.  His creative nature has continued to mold me and shape me through the interaction that I have had with the poeple that He has brought into my life.  Some experiences have been soft and sweet, feeding my spirit and helping me to grow.  Others have been tough and abrasive and God has used them like sandpaper to knock off the rough edges. The influence of some has come in a few, occasional short doses, while others have been a constant, faithful, abiding presence upon which I have been able to rely, but now I see that each was sent from the hand of God to make me into what I am today.  This seasoned, rugged, 51-year-old body and soul has stood the test of time.  It has a few scars and a few constant aches and pains, but for the most part it is still strong and capable.  I know that I still have a job to do and that in order to do it, I still need a daily dose of God's grace and mercy.  I am thankful that He has given me a goodly number of friends and loved ones to continue the process of building, molding, shaping, and, yes, sanding me into a more representative likeness of His Son.  And after all, you're only as old as you feel, right? :0)

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