Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bring Your Umbrella!

I once heard a story about a town that was experiencing a devastating drought.  In spite of everything that they had done and all of the prayers that had gone up, it appeared that rain was nowhere in the forecast.  The Christians in the community had gotten together and one man said, "I have heard that a famous evangelist will be coming through town soon.  He has a reputation of being a man of prayer.  God has done some amazing things at his meetings in response to his simple prayers.  Let's ask him to pray for rain."  So on the day the evangelist arrived in town, they sent four men from the community to his hotel room to see him.  When they asked him if he would pray with them that the drought would be broken, he told them that the most common cause of unanswered prayer was unbelief and until they came to him believing that God would answer their prayers, he would not pray with them.  He then showed them to the door.  They were flabbergasted.  How could he know whether they believed in prayer or not?  The next day they returned, only to have him meet them at the door, take one look at them, and say, "You still don't believe that God will answer your prayers" and promptly shut the door in their face.  On the third day, when they knocked on the door, he opened it once more, took a quick glance and said to the young man standing at the back, "You can come in, the rest of you go home and find your faith."  When the young man entered the room, the evangelist said, "OK, let's get down to praying."  They knelt beside the bed and in very simple words the evangelist asked God to show mercy and spare the community of any further judgment.  He asked God to extend His grace and send the rain to break the drought and show himself mighty to the people of the area.  After only a few moments in prayer, the evangelist got up and said to the young man, "Now you had better hurry home.  The rain is coming."  As the young man prepared to leave, he asked the evangelist why he had allowed the young man in on this day when he had not on the days before and why him and not the others.  The evangelist said, "For three days you have been coming to ask me to pray for rain and today was the first day that you brought your umbrella."
Tomorrow at noon, we will begin a prayer vigil with the purpose in mind of seeing God shake our nation, save the lost, heal the sick, and provide our needs.  As we pray, we must be prepared for God's answer.  We must come with humble hearts.  We must be willing to be obedient.  We must put feet to our prayers and do what He calls for us to do in response to this special time with Him.
We will spend time in prayer for Revival.  Will we be willing to allow God to revive our hearts?  Will we be willing to lay down our pride, repent of our sins, and walk in obedience?
We will spend time in prayer for the nations.  Will we be willing to be a witness to the lost?  Will we be willing to give so that others can go?  Will we be willing to go where He sends us?
We will spend time in prayer for our country.  Will we be willing to fulfill our responsibilities as a Christian citizen?  Will we be willing to stand up in the public arena for what is true and right?  Will we be willing to face persecution and ridicule for the name of Christ?
We will spend time in prayer for the family.  Will we be willing to submit our will to His will and follow His plan for our lives?  Will we be willing to fulfill our God-given roles and be true and faithful to our vows?  Will we raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?
We will spend time in prayer for the sick.  Will we be willing to confess our faults one to another?  Will we believe that God is able and willing to heal?  Will we put our lives in His hands and believe that His way is best?
We will spend time in prayer for our needs.  Will we be willing to let go of the controls and trust God to provide?  Will we release the worry and fear that often accompany our needs and trust God's ability to handle the situation?
We will spend time in prayer for our church.  Will we be willing to submit ourselves, our personal interests, and our preferences to God's will and way for our church?  Will we be willing to take the first step in resolving conflicts with our brothers and sisters in Christ? Will we confess our rebellious and  divisive attitudes that bring dishonor to the name of Christ?
Our willingness to take action on these things will be the evidence of our faith in God to answer our prayers.  I hope that you will be a part of our Prayer Vigil.  I hope that you will allow God to do a work in you that will change you forever. 
Oh, and don't forget to bring your umbrella!

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