Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Extra Day

February 29th! It almost never happens.  Well, I guess it does happen on a regular basis, but a day that only appears on the calendar once every four years, is decidedly rare.  So what do you do with an extra day?  Do you relax, escape the humdrum demands of your overfilled calendar, or do you use the time to catch up on those things that have spilled over from yesterday's To-Do List?
Realistically, an extra day in a month that is shorter than the rest doesn't really seem to impact us that much.  An extra day in an over-packed week, now that would be a blessing! Or even a couple of extra hours in a day that is so full that it seems impossible to get it all done, might be nice.
I guess the moral of the story is that we could all use a little more time.  The Bible encourages us to "number our days" so that our hearts can apply themselves to wisdom.  Translation? Examine our lives so that we can learn to use our time wisely and for those things that have the most eternal benefit.  I've heard it said that no one has ever said as they were lying on their deathbed, "I wish I had spent more time at the office."  Time, invested in our family and friends, in our relationship with God, and in enjoying the fruits of our labors, is never wasted.  So let's decide to use wisely ever second, minute, day, week, month and year that God has blessed us with in order to love and serve Him.  And who knows, maybe every once in a while, He'll give us an extra day.

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