Saturday, March 12, 2011

God's Ovation

I found this devotional on Christian artist, Laura Story’s blog site, while searching for her song, “Blessings.” Blessings is getting radio play now but is not available until April 12th. It is an amazing song that finds its inspiration in the year-long struggle with a brain tumor by Laura’s husband, Martin. The words to the chorus are moving.

‘Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

The song is a tremendous challenge to my heart when I want to take control and tell God how things ought to be. As I’ve said before, I have nothing to complain about. God blesses me far beyond what I deserve. And yet, sometimes, my heart starts to grumble. Martin and Laura’s experiences over the last year are deeply convicting to me. The sweetness of spirit that her trials have produced in Laura Story are evident in the following devotional blog. I hope it is as much of a blessing to you as it was to me.

“Performing. It’s a subject I think about more often than most, since I make my living as a performing artist. As my husband and I were packing this morning, preparing for an event in Long View, TX, I was reminded of a performance I witnessed a few years back. The evening began with the MC giving some announcements, then introducing the band. In his kind and gracious introduction, he explained that this band was a fairly new band and had never played for a crowd quite this large before. And then he did the coolest thing: He asked the audience to give the band a standing ovation as soon as they took the stage. So that’s what happened. The moment those young, timid, terrified musicians stepped foot on that platform, the audience erupted in applause! At first, the band members were so shocked that they could barely remember who played what instrument, but after a few seconds, they began to smile and laugh a bit. What followed was the best music that band had ever played. There’s just something to be said for receiving our ovation before we even start performing.
As I start my day today, it is good for my soul to remember that God has given me a standing ovation before I even begin to perform. The verdict is in: not guilty, loved, valued, forgiven, restored, adopted, friend. I do not have to perform in order to gain His approval, yet His overwhelming love and approval is exactly what compels me to perform for Him. I long for the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart to be acceptable in His sight (Ps. 19:14) because He has already accepted me as His own. Whether I succeed or fail at my task, His love is unconditional and was earned by another’s merit, not my own. So as you step out today, whatever deeds you are called to perform, as a mom, an employee, a friend, know that you begin your day with His standing ovation and let that compel you towards love and good deeds.”

Isn't it great to know that loves and accepts us and cheers us on.

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