Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas's Cast of Characters

The story of Christmas is a wonderful revelation of God’s eternal plan of redemption illustrated in the lives of the cast of characters in this cosmic drama. The Virgin Mary, a young innocent, who willingly offers herself to be the vessel that God will use to bring hope to mankind. Her hopes and dreams, her character and reputation, all must be laid upon the altar of service to the Lord. Joseph, a man whose faith is tested by the unusual nature of God’s plan. He didn’t insist on personal vindication, but simply responded to the message of the angel to take Mary to be his wife, even though she was already with child. Sure, he had an encounter with an angel, but he knew that his story of how she had come to be in her condition would be greeted by most with derision and ridicule. Still, he responded lovingly and faithfully to the role that God had chosen him to play. The humble shepherds represent the meek and lowly of the world, the common man to whom God revealed His plan with pomp and circumstance. It was to these humble laborers that God’s message offered forgiveness and redemption. Their front row seats to this grand entrance show that God’s love truly does embrace all mankind. The wise men from the east remind us that God reveals himself to those who seek Him. Wherever He finds an enquiring heart, His light shines forth to lead the way to Christ. The magi observed the message written in the stars, the handiwork of God that leaves all mankind without excuse. They doggedly pursued an encounter with the Messiah and God rewarded them with a one on one audience with the infant King. But there were others whose response to the blessed event left something to be desired. The inquiry by the wise men filled Herod with suspicion and jealousy. He saw the Promised One as a threat to his position as a ruler. He would rather destroy the long-awaited Messiah than give up his station in life.

The scribes and Pharisees displayed a knowledge of God’s promises, but a level of faith that was insufficient to carry them the short distance from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. Their indifference caused them to miss the event that they had waited all their lives hoping to witness. Even the innkeeper has a lesson to share. The torrid pace of everyday life, the overwhelming stress of the rat race, caused him to lose sight of what was really important. When Jesus came knocking on his door, he had nothing to offer but the leftovers of an overly busy life. As a result, he continued to wait tables only a few yards from the pivotal event in human history, and he never knew it. The Christmas story is played out again and again in lives all around the globe every day. When some souls are confronted with the Savior, they respond with submission and faith and the result is miraculous. The angels rejoice and their lives are changed forever . Others spend their lives seeking Him and their efforts are rewarded with a personal encounter with the God who made the stars and set the world in motion. And yes, there are those whose pride and position cause them to reject and oppose Him to their own detriment. Some let their indifference sap their religious ritual of all meaning and efficacy while others are simply too busy to consider the claims of a Child whose life journey led Him from a manger to a cross to an empty tomb. So this Christmas, when you see the stars twinkling in the midnight sky and feel the brush of angels’ wings, don’t miss your chance to celebrate the coming of the newborn King.

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