During the mid-1990’s, while I was pastoring in Oklahoma City, our church went through an 18 month period that was the most fruitful time of my ministry. We saw over 80 people come to know Christ, most of them between the ages of 12 and 25. There was constant anticipation of what would happen next, and God poured out His Spirit in an amazing way.
I am beginning to see signs that a similar season may be in store for our church. We have already seen seven people come to know Christ in the first seven weeks of 2017 and God has given me an appointment to share the Gospel with two more this evening. Also, it looks like we are going to baptize more people in one day this coming Sunday than we did in all of 2016. Add to that the fact that we have already seen 26 first-time visitors in our services since the first of the year, it is evident that God is moving.
So the question is, how do we respond? I believe that Jesus gave us the answer in John 4:35, “…Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest…” Jesus was encouraging His disciples to take their eyes off of their own circumstances and look around. There were people all around them who were in need of a Savior. He told them this after His discussion with the Samaritan woman. They had completely missed the opportunity for witness because of their own prejudices and concerns. He wanted them to “look on the fields.”
The fact that we are seeing people come to Christ should encourage us that the fields are white, they’re ready to be harvested. It calls for several immediate actions from those of us who already know the Savior.
First, we need to rejoice and thank God for those He is sending our way. Never underestimate the value of one soul surrendered to Christ.
Second, we need to go out of our way to welcome these new believers into the family and help them feel connected.
Third, we need to pray for them as they navigate the waters of their new life in Christ and as they begin the process of discipleship. We all know that its not easy.
Fourth, we need to continue the process of sowing and reaping in this fruitful time. Pray that God would help you to identify friends and loved ones who need Christ, then begin to reach out to them with the Gospel. Commit yourself to inviting and welcoming them to our church and to do everything within your power to assure that they have the opportunity to be saved.
Fifth, share your enthusiasm about what God is doing with everyone that you meet. Excitement is contagious.
And above all, pray for God’s hedge of protection around our church, her families, and her leaders. When God is blessing, Satan is scheming. He would like nothing more than to destroy what God is doing before it can get off the ground. So pray.
When I was pastoring in Kansas, one of my favorite things to see was the wheat harvest. You could stop beside the highway and see the combines lines up three or four wide cutting a swath through the swaying grain. It was a beautiful sight. But even more beautiful than that is seeing a lost soul on their knees before God praying for salvation. Lift up your eyes, Grace Harbor, it’s harvest time.