Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Love Your Neighbor

We are living in strange times.  We have more communication options available to us than any other generation in history.  We can speak in real time to people on the other side of the planet, yet we struggle to communicate with our own family members. We carry around small devices that allow us to express our feelings to the entire world, yet they often isolate us from others who are within arms reach. Thus the paradox, we are more connected than ever before, yet we find ourselves more lonely than Tom Hanks in Castaway.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He continually addressed this issue with the Pharisees. NOTE: First world problems find their root in human nature and there is nothing new under the sun.
They asked Him what was the greatest commandment of all and He gave them a profound answer.  You see, the Ten Commandments are basically divided into two distinct parts. The first deals with how we treat God and the second deals with how we treat our friends and neighbors.  The Pharisees spent all of their time focusing on the first part and completely ignored the second.  Jesus told them to love God supremely, but that it was very nearly as important to love their neighbors as well.
Loving our neighbors as ourselves will demand something of us, especially in a culture where we hardly know them.  It will demand that we step outside of our cocoon and interact with those around us.  This may be especially tricky if your neighbors are the kind that do things that irritate you, but that is where the fruit of the Spirit comes in.  It’s easy to be loving, peaceful, joyful, long suffering and gentle when people fit well into your little comfort zone.  When they don’t, it requires supernatural fruit that only comes when we are submissive to God’s Spirit.
So, my challenge today is to decide to be neighborly.  Reach out to your neighbor, meet them if you haven’t, and do something kind for them in the name of Jesus.  You never know what might come of one little act of consideration.