Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Here is my newest poem, I hope you like it.
The Price
Just to think of how God loves us, it’s a miracle I know
How He came so far from heaven just to find me here below,
And to think of how He found me bound by willful sin and vice
Yet He looked beyond my choices and He gladly paid the price.
Jesus faced the degradation of a life of poverty
And the weakness and the burdens of a body’s frailty
He endured the separation from His Father and His throne
So that death & hell & judgment would not claim me as their own.
Promise-keeper, ever-faithful was by those He loved betrayed
Seized by soldiers in the garden, His disciples ran away
Greedy Judas, for the silver, carried out the Council’s plot
And when warming by the fire, Peter said, “I know Him not.”
Beaten, spat upon and tortured, mocked by those he came to save
Willingly He bore the sentence, and surrendered to the grave
Merrily they cheered His suffering, partaking in the devil’s coup,
Yet He pled, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
As He hung there, bleeding, dying, pouring out His precious blood
Few there were who knew the meaning of that sacred, crimson flood
Lamb of God, abused and tortured, was for me the sacrifice
That obtained my soul’s salvation for I could not pay the price.
My dear Savior from God’s throne room saw what no one else could see
Looking through time’s darkened portal, He could view eternity
For the joy that was set before Him, for God’s glory up above
He despised the shame and gladly paid the awful price of love.
One day in that blest forever, We will sit around His throne
With the saints of all the ages, when we’ve all been gathered home.
And we’ll ask to see the nail scars, as we live in paradise
And rejoice throughout the ages that He was willing to pay the price.

Pastor Marty Hughes